The “Ion Ionescu-Quintus” Art Museum of Prahova county’s activity, with the two departments, Art Museum Ploieşti and Memorial House of painter Nicolae Grigorescu in Câmpina, is accordingly with the Law 311/2003 about museums and public collections, the Law 182/2000 about mobile cultural patrimony protection and the Organisational Rules.
- the decision of founding the art museum – (in Romanian)
- budget 2014
- financial balance 2013
- patrimonial result account 2013
- budget execution account 2013
- expenditure execution account 2013
- expenditure details 2013
- Financial balance 2015
- Budget January 2015
- Budget December 2015
- the hierarchy chart – (in Romanian). The management team:
- manager: Florin Sicoie
- deputy manager: Alice Neculea
- economic manager: Veronica Radu
- head of Educational Department: Valter Paraschivescu
- positions chart 2014 | salary at 30 September 2017
- Management Report 2013
- Minimal Program 2014
- Performance Criteria 2014
- Analyze of the new Management Project 2017
- Decision about the new Management Project – Fase I
- Decision about the new Management Project – Fase II
Public Relations in conformity with the Law 544/2001: Corina Stoian, phone +40 244 522264 monday to thursday 8 ÷ 16:30, friday 8 ÷ 14.